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Dapr SpringBoot Starter - Let the Dapr works just like what Spring Cloud does.


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This section describes how you can configure your grpc-spring-boot-starter client.

Following the parameters listed by the Dapr Java SDK, as well as those related to this artifact,

The configurable parameters for this artifact are as follows:

Parameter Format Default Value Description
dapr.client.sidecar-ip String Sidecar IP
dapr.client.http-port* Integer 3500 HTTP sidecar port number*
dapr.client.grpc-port Integer 50001 GRPC sidecar port number
dapr.client.grpc-endpoint String Empty GRPC remote sidecar connection address
dapr.client.http-endpoint String Empty HTTP remote sidecar connection address
dapr.client.max-retries Integer 5 retry count for Client connection and API request
dapr.client.timeout Duration 2000 timeout duration for Client connection and API request (milliseconds)
dapr.client.api-token String Empty Client authentication Token
dapr.client.string-charset Charset UTF-8 Encoding
dapr.client.http-client-read-timeout-seconds* Integer 60 HTTPClient timeout duration*
dapr.client.http-client-max-requests* Integer 1024 HTTPClient maximum request count*
dapr.client.http-client-max-idle-connections* Integer 128 HTTPClient maximum idle connections*

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